söndag 26 oktober 2008

I need to move on

I need to move on, to leave you behind me,
to not hear you say that you miss me,
I don't need you at all, and I don't want you
in my life anymore, just hurting me,
and making everything a big mess.
Just leave me alone..
I'm moving on, I'm being strong,
trying to carry on, learning to live,
one step at time, whitout you,
whitout the pain youre causing,
whitout any memories of you.
I don't want them. They are
just hurting me more, to know
that you like her, is a big thing for me,
and you don't get that. I can't live
whit this pain, and whit you never
understanding how I feel, how I want
things to be. I can't do it. Not anymore.

I'm leaving you behind and I'm not looking back.

helgen nedanför

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